Friday, October 31, 2014

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) 2014

Hey guys what's going on? Josh here from Polymathics, the blog that helps you become a modern day renaissance man. 

And today we're talking about a topic that I love... 


Any of you guys know that is? I think some of you do, but for those of you that don't, I will tell you. Have you ever imagined your novel sitting on the bookshelves of Barnes and Noble? Right next to Hemingway, or Orson Scott Card? Well now is your chance! Because November is National Novel Writer's Month. Hence, "NaNoWriMo." For the neophytes in the room, let me elaborate. Essentially writers from around the wold get together and pledge to write a novel; at least 50,000 words! Now this is the prime opportunity for you to write a story. If you've been waiting and putting it off, or said, "Awe I can never be an author." This is the prime time to prove that theory wrong. 

Let me tell you why. 

First, you're gonna have tons of support. There are lots of people on the interwebz and the YouTubez (like me) giving all kinds advice; showing you the ropes. Also there are local communities throughout the various states and regions. Each with their own liaisons and writers groups. Here you can mingle with other writers who are going through the same struggles; the same tribulations; the same writers block. You meet some wonderful people. It's one of the greatest experiences I had.  My first novel, I had been struggling to for over a decade. Then I decided to do NaNo (based on a friends relentless nagging...) and less than thirty days, I had the first draft completed! I was so pumped because finally I had accomplished this lifelong goal that seemed to allude me. The words were on the paper. I could see the proof; the fruits of my labor. To top it off, there was a nice winners certificate that they gave me.  I got to show it off to everybody on Facebook and Twitter. What a badass I was... 

It was wonderful. 

If you've ever considered writing a novel, highly recommend. Just in case, I've listed all of the pros and cons here on my YouTube channel: 

Anyways, National Novel Writing Month Just started a few minutes ago, so I better get to typing...

If you'd like to follow my progress or learn more about NaNoWriMo, checkz outz the following linkz belowz. 

Follow Josh on Twitter: @Joshumusprime
Or Facebook:
And you can his NaNo progress here:
And he has a book on military transitions here:

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