Thursday, July 31, 2014

Learning and eating: How to use the polymathic mindset to maintain interest in any subject.

Learning is like eating.
You need repetition to grow.
But sometimes repetition is not enough.
For example, technically you can eat red meat every day (don't ask me why anyone would want to do that...). But let’s say that you decide to eat burgers all week. Sooner or later, your taste buds are going to get as bored as a kid watching Transformers 4. Eventually, you’ll lose your interest. Your appetite will stagnate, because your palate desires variety. (Unless it’s Five Guys. Let’s face it, that shit’s delicious!). However, if you switch things up; eat tacos or meat-lovers’ pizza or spaghetti and meatballs, then you can happily continue eat red meat like a boss for months on end.
The same holds true to any skill you’re trying to learn.
Repetition alone is not the key to success.
You must have variety.
Variety maintains interest.
Like sex, sometimes you need to change positions to get a better angle. This spices things up and engages the mind. It allows you to view the subject from multiple angles.
I call this the polymathic mindset.
This polymathic approach keeps you engrossed in the topic for the long term. You get the full experience by enjoying all of the different “flavors” a subject has to offer. Furthermore, you can satisfy your hunger for knowledge without neglecting your desire for variety.
If things are feeling stagnant, try looking at the problem from a  different angle. If you’ve been reading books on the subjects, try switching it up and listen to them on tape. Or, better yet, try videos.  If you’ve been chained to your computer for weeks, try to go out and get physical. If you’re used to doing sprints on the track, try doing them on hills, or in the pool, or on a bicycle.
There are endless combinations to choose from. You just have to get creative.
Moreover, there are several parallels to life--and success--just waiting to be experienced through sports or physical activity. The more radical the change, the better.
Now go out there and mix things up!

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